Germany accelerates solar energy expansion with new strategy and legislation

Germany aims to increase the expansion of solar energy with the Photovoltaic strategy presented by Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck at the Photovoltaic Summit. The strategy includes measures to accelerate planning and approval processes for open-space solar power plants, promote roof-mounted solar panels in commercial and multi-family buildings, and strengthen the involvement of communities and citizens in solar energy. The goal is to eliminate all obstacles that have prevented a higher pace of expansion of solar energy until now. The measures will be included in two “solar packages” and quickly enshrined in law.

The strategy is part of Germany’s goal to cover at least 80% of its gross electricity consumption with renewable energies by 2030. Photovoltaic energy with an installed capacity of 215 gigawatts will make a significant contribution to achieving this target. In 2022, renewable energies accounted for 46.2% of Germany’s gross electricity consumption. The country is on track to meet its interim target of nine gigawatts of solar energy in 2023. The chances of achieving this target are high, with almost 2.7 gigawatts of new solar panels installed in the first quarter of 2023. From 2026, Germany aims to achieve 22 gigawatts of solar expansion annually, half of which will come from open-space solar power plants and the other half from roof-mounted solar panels.

The new EEG (Renewable Energy Act) has already begun to facilitate the expansion of solar energy in Germany. Solar energy is classified as “of outstanding public interest,” which gives it priority in planning processes over other interests. The EEG also offers higher compensation rates for solar energy from roof-mounted solar panels and tax incentives. Since July 30, 2022, new photovoltaic systems have received higher compensation rates. The German government is also funding the installation of solar panels, particularly for energy-efficient building renovations.

Minister Habeck stated that the expansion of solar energy in Germany has already been successful, as demonstrated by the considerable expansion of solar panels in the first quarter of 2023. With the EEG and the Photovoltaic strategy, the country hopes to speed up the expansion of solar energy even further. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has also called for faster expansion to achieve Germany’s renewable energy targets.



