Chancellor Scholz highlights the importance of Germany’s ports in the expansion of wind power

Germany’s ports are driving the country’s wind power industry forward, playing a crucial role in the energy transition towards climate-neutral production. During his visit to the seaport of Brake and the offshore wind turbine manufacturer Steelwind Nordenham GmbH, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized the importance of using renewable energy sources, including onshore and offshore wind and solar energy, to achieve the country’s ambitious target of producing 80 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

Germany’s ports are essential for the economy, with the heavy and complex work done in both small and large ports crucial to the country’s logistics and export success. Scholz noted that ports are becoming more efficient through hinterland connections, and the federal government has energetically tackled the issue of planning and approval procedures.

The wind power industry is creating jobs and making a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition. To meet the country’s ambitious expansion targets for wind and solar energy, Germany needs to increase the number of skilled workers in the sector. The federal government aims to ensure that good jobs in sustainable sectors do not remain unfilled by implementing a skilled labor strategy.

Overall, Germany’s ports and wind turbines are demonstrating the benefits of a promising symbiosis, with the potential to make a significant contribution to the country’s energy transition and climate-neutral production.



