Category: belgium

  • Belgium’s Business Credit Growth Stabilizes in June 2023, Short-Term Credits Rebound

    Belgium’s business credit growth remained stable in June 2023, compared to the previous month. The year-on-year variation rate of credits allocated by resident banks to non-financial companies held steady at 4.1%, slightly lower than May’s 4.2%. Short-term credit growth rebounded to 5.3% (up from 3.9% the previous month). Medium-term loans (between one and five years)…

  • Belgium’s Economic Indicators: August 2023 Overview

    GDP Growth Rate: Belgium’s real GDP growth rate for the second quarter of 2023 was 0.8%, showing a moderate expansion compared to the previous quarter. On a year-on-year basis, the GDP growth rate stood at 2.7%. Consumer Prices and Inflation: In terms of consumer prices, the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) showed an annual…

  • Consumer Confidence in Belgium Shows Slight Dip in August 2023

    The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) has released its monthly consumer survey for August 2023, indicating a modest decline in consumer confidence compared to the previous month. Despite the marginal drop, the consumer confidence indicator remains close to its long-term average. The assessment of households regarding the macroeconomic outlook has taken a less optimistic turn,…

  • Belgium’s Central Individual Credit Register Reports Stable Trends in Borrowing and Defaults

    The Microeconomic Information Department of Belgium has released its latest data from July 2023, providing insights into the nation’s borrowing and credit trends. The report is based on the data collected by the Central Individual Credit Register, shedding light on key figures and detailed statistics. Borrowing Trends: The data indicates a stable borrowing landscape, with…

  • Economic Indicators for Belgium – August 2023

    The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) has released its latest economic indicators for Belgium, providing insights into the country’s economic performance. Here are some of the key highlights from the data: Real GDP Growth: Inflation: Employment and Unemployment: Consumer and Business Confidence: Trade and Exports: Public Finance: Outlook and Projections: It’s important to note that…

  • Economic Indicators for Belgium

    Real GDP: Consumer Prices (HICP): Labour Market: Business Survey: Consumer Survey: The overall economic performance in Belgium showed modest growth in the second quarter of 2023, with a positive year-on-year change in Real GDP and Consumer Prices. The unemployment rate remains at 4.8%, and the youth unemployment rate is higher at 14.7%, indicating challenges in…

  • Economic Growth Slows to 0.2% in Belgium in the Second Quarter of 2023

    According to the flash estimate by the National Bank of Belgium (NBB), the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in volume, adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, grew by 0.2% in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter. In comparison to the corresponding quarter of the previous year, the growth rate stands at…

  • Belgian Non-Monetary Undertakings for Collective Investment Experience €13.3 Billion Increase in Value in Q1 2023

    The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) has released its latest data showing a significant rise in the value of outstanding units in Belgian non-monetary undertakings for collective investment (UCIs) during the first quarter of 2023. The total value of outstanding UCI units surged by €13.3 billion compared to the end of 2022. The increase in…

  • Belgium’s Economic Indicators for 2023-07-28

    1. Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 2. Final Consumption: 3. Gross Fixed Capital Formation: 4. Exports and Imports: 5. Labour Costs in the Private Sector: 6. Harmonized Unemployment Rate: 7. Consumer Prices (HICP): 8. Consumer Confidence: Please note that these figures are based on economic indicators available as of July 28, 2023, and are subject…

  • Belgium’s International Trade Sees Decline in May

    Belgium’s international trade has encountered a significant decline in the value of both imports and exports during the three-month period from March to May 2023. The decrease amounted to -12.3% for imports and -10.9% for exports. This negative growth trend is an extension of the trend observed at the beginning of 2023, and it has…

  • Belgium’s Trade Figures Show Encouraging Growth According to Community Concept

    Belgium’s trade figures, analyzed using the concept communautaire, reveal a positive trend with steady growth. The latest data indicates a surge in both exports and imports, signaling an improvement in the country’s international trade position. Key Highlights: The positive trade figures indicate Belgium’s strong position in international markets, and authorities are closely monitoring the trends…

  • Belgium’s Monetary Policy and Interest Rate Trends: A Statistical Overview

    Belgium’s monetary policy and interest rates play a crucial role in shaping the country’s economic landscape. In this statistical overview, we delve into the main interest rates of the Eurosystem, reference interest rates on the secondary market for Treasury certificates, and the MFI interest rates on new business in EUR. Additionally, we explore long-term yield…

  • National Bank of Belgium Reports Increase in Consumer Confidence for July 2023

    The National Bank of Belgium has released its monthly consumer survey for July 2023, revealing a notable increase in consumer confidence. Following two months of relative uncertainty, the confidence indicator has returned to the favorable level observed in April. All components of the consumer confidence indicator have shown improvement. In particular, households have expressed a…

  • Economic Indicators for Belgium

    Belgium’s economic indicators show a mixed performance in recent years. From 2020 to 2021, the country experienced a sharp decline in real GDP by -8.3%, primarily due to the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the economy rebounded in 2022, with GDP growth of 5.5%, signaling a strong recovery. The year 2023 is expected…

  • Economic Projections for Belgium: Resilient Growth Expected in 2023

    Brussels, June 2023 – According to the spring forecasts by the National Bank of Belgium (NBB), the Belgian economy is expected to continue growing in the short term, albeit at a gradual pace. The annual growth is projected to reach 1.4% in 2023. However, the growth rate is anticipated to slow down to 0.3% on…

  • Belgian Economy Shows Resilience with 0.5% Growth in Q1 2023

    In a positive development for the Belgian economy, the first quarter of 2023 witnessed a growth rate of 0.5% in real gross domestic product (GDP), adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects. Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate stood at 1.4%, signaling a gradual recovery. The manufacturing industry experienced a slight decline…

  • Belgian Farmers Pay an Average Annual Rent of €329/ha, Reveals New Data

    Belgian farmers are paying an average annual rent of €329 per hectare for agricultural land, according to recent findings. Rent refers to the amount tenants pay to landowners each year for the use of their land for agricultural purposes. In 2022, Belgian farmers paid an average annual rent of €329/ha for arable land and €287/ha…

  • European Commission Proposes Instant Payments as New Standard in Europe

    The European Commission has proposed making instant payments the new norm, requiring payment service providers to offer them at no extra cost alongside ordinary credit transfers. Instant payments are a payment scheme that requires transactions to be completed within ten seconds from initiation, regardless of time or day. Since November 2017, payment service providers across…

  • Belgian Investment Funds See Sharp Decline in Value Due to Stock Market and Interest Rate Fluctuations in 2022

    Belgian non-monetary investment fund units experienced a sharp decline in value in 2022 due to negative valuation effects resulting from stock market fluctuations and rising interest rates, amounting to -€34.9 billion. Despite this, transactions were up slightly (+€0.9 billion), driven by household investment (+€8.5 billion). Mixed funds remain the largest category of investment fund marketed…