Category: germany

  • Germany: Results of the Federal Cabinet Meeting – September 27, 2023

    In its 75th session on September 27, 2023, the Federal Cabinet of Germany addressed various matters, including the proposed law for the introduction of a child basic income. Topics Discussed with Presentations: Decisions Made Without Discussion (“TOP-1 List”):

  • Secure Configuration Guidelines Released for Microsoft Office 2013/2016/2019

    In an effort to enhance cybersecurity, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has published guidelines for the secure configuration of Microsoft Office 2013, 2016, and 2019. These guidelines are specifically tailored for deployment on the Microsoft Windows operating system. Office applications, due to their widespread use and attack surface, are frequently exploited as vectors…

  • Germany’s Takeoff Towards a Bright Future

    Chancellor Olaf Scholz inaugurated the National Aviation Conference in Hamburg with a resounding message: “Flying connects Germany to the world.” He emphasized the vital role aviation and air freight play in Germany’s high-tech sector and its economy. He also highlighted Germany’s leadership in environmentally friendly aviation technologies. Chancellor Scholz declared, “International air travel is inconceivable…

  • Germany Allocates €20 Billion for Educational Equity in Schools

    Germany is set to strengthen approximately 4,000 schools with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged students through the Startchancen program. Federal and state governments have agreed on the program’s key principles. Starting from August 2024, €20 billion will be allocated over ten years to support this initiative. Key Points: Three Key Program Components: Focus on…

  • Germany Introduces Accelerated Security Certification for Smart Meter Gateway Components

    The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has unveiled the Accelerated Security Certification (BSZ), a new IT security certification process focused on penetration and compliance testing. This certification, conducted by BSZ testing centers with defined evaluation timelines, aims to enhance the security of products operating within the Home Area Network (HAN) of the Smart…

  • Germany Extends “City and Countryside” Special Program

    In a significant move to support regions and municipalities, the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport has extended financial aid for the “City and Countryside” special program. A total of 1.8 billion euros for investments in cycling infrastructure will now be available until 2028. With the signing of the addendum to the administrative agreement by…

  • Germany: Chancellor Scholz Emphasizes the Importance of Vocational Training

    Chancellor Olaf Scholz has underscored the significance of vocational training for individuals and the future of the entire nation. The goal is to make vocational training, particularly the dual education system, more appealing to young people from abroad. Chancellor Scholz conveyed this message during his visit to the new training campus of the Berlin Public…

  • Germany Pact Aims to Accelerate, Modernize, and Secure the Nation

    In his address during the general debate in the German Bundestag, Chancellor Olaf Scholz proposed a Germany Pact with the motto “Speed instead of standstill, action instead of waiting, cooperation instead of discord.” Additionally, the federal budget for 2024, following years of crisis, represents a fiscally sound state. Over the past years, too many issues…

  • Germany Invests in Diverse Orchestra Culture

    Germany’s orchestra scene is globally renowned for its artistic diversity. To strengthen it and provide room for further development, Minister of Culture Roth is renewing the “Excellent Orchestra Landscape” program. The final round of funding focuses on sustainability and diversity. Orchestra Musicians in Performance Minister of Culture Roth: “We are promoting the future viability, diversity,…

  • Germany Extends “City and Countryside” Special Program with 1.8 Billion Euros for Cycling Infrastructure

    The German Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Transport has taken the next step in supporting states and municipalities. It has extended the financial aid under the “City and Countryside” special program for cycling infrastructure until 2028, making a total of 1.8 billion euros available. With the signing of the amendment to the administrative agreement by…

  • Germany’s IT Product Certification Process Enhanced

    In a move to bolster cybersecurity measures for IT products, Germany has introduced an updated Common Criteria (CC) certification scheme. The certification process, overseen by the Federal Office for Information Security, plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and reliability of IT products and systems. The CC certification process typically begins with the manufacturer,…

  • Advancements in Vehicle Software Pose Challenges for Cybersecurity in Germany

    The automotive sector in Germany is experiencing a technological revolution with the increasing complexity of software in vehicles. In addition to powerful hardware, modern vehicles now incorporate extensive and intricate software systems. Individual functions are consolidated into central control units, and full-fledged operating systems are deployed within these vehicles. This advancement enables manufacturers to offer…

  • Version 1.0: Proof-of-Concept Exploit Released for Vulnerabilities in Juniper Firewalls and Switches

    A comprehensive technical description and a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) exploit for vulnerabilities in Juniper’s Junos OS, specifically targeting the SRX (Firewalls) and EX (Switches) series, were published by watchTowr on August 25. The disclosed content focuses on vulnerabilities within the J-Web component, which the manufacturer had only recently announced on August 17. Juniper has not yet…

  • Informatively Addressing Long COVID: Resources from German Health Authorities

    Despite the receding prominence of the COVID-19 pandemic, some individuals continue to grapple with the aftermath of infection, experiencing lingering symptoms known as Long COVID. To address this issue, the German Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Centre for Health Education have established online resources to provide comprehensive information and assistance. Symptoms and Support…

  • Germany Modernizes Nationality Law to Encourage Social Participation

    In a significant step towards fostering greater social participation, the German cabinet has approved a draft law aimed at modernizing the country’s nationality law. The move comes as a pivotal fulfillment of a key agenda from the coalition agreement. Approximately 14 percent of Germany’s population, totaling around twelve million people, currently do not possess a…

  • Germany’s Push for Electromobility with Green Energy

    To accelerate the adoption of electric mobility, substantial investments are being made in Germany. This development is hailed as a positive sign by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. During a visit to the automotive supplier Neapco in the Rheinische Revier region, he gained insight into how innovations and structural transformation can drive progress. Key Points: Chancellor Scholz…

  • FX Liquidity Providing Operation Allocation Announced in Germany

    Germany’s financial sector recently made an announcement about an operation called “FX Liquidity Providing.” This operation helps ensure that there is enough money available in the market for exchanging different currencies (like USD). It’s a way to keep the financial system working smoothly. Here are some simple explanations of the important details: Overall, this is…

  • More Solar Power, Less Bureaucracy: Germany Introduces Solar Package I to Accelerate Photovoltaic Expansion

    The German government has taken a significant step toward accelerating the construction and operation of photovoltaic systems with the introduction of Solar Package I, a comprehensive legislative initiative. This package encompasses various measures to streamline the bureaucratic processes associated with the installation of photovoltaic systems, facilitating the expansion of photovoltaic power generation. The Cabinet’s approval…

  • Germany Boosts New Growth with Important Initiative

    In a bid to ensure Germany’s future competitiveness, the federal government has introduced the “Draft Law on Financing Future-Proof Investments.” The Future Financing Act aims to make it easier for startups and growth companies to mobilize private capital for investments in climate protection and digitalization, while also enhancing Germany’s financial market attractiveness. The cabinet’s approval…

  • Questions and Answers on Cannabis Legalization

    The German government is embracing a more controlled approach to cannabis with the “Law on Controlled Cannabis Use and Amendment of Other Regulations.” This law aims to address existing limitations in drug policy and provide answers to key questions about cannabis legalization. Key Highlights: This shift represents a significant change in German drug policy, aimed…