Category: germany

  • Förderprogramm Journalismus: Germany’s Minister of Culture, Claudia Roth, emphasizes the need for strong structures to support quality journalism.

    The German federal government’s funding program for the protection and structural strengthening of journalistic work has launched its second round of applications. The program, supported by a budget of approximately one million euros from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, aims to promote projects that foster independent and autonomous journalism. However, it explicitly…

  • Construction of Electricity Highways (Stromautobahnen) Begins in Germany

    The German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, has marked the beginning of the construction of the first converter station for the future “SuedLink” electricity highway in collaboration with the transmission system operator, TransnetBW. The “SuedLink” and “SuedOstLink” projects are set to enable the transportation of significant amounts of wind power to Bavaria and…

  • More than Half of Refugees in Germany Employed, Study Shows Employment Increase Despite Pandemic

    A recent study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) has revealed that more than half of the refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 were employed in 2021. The employment rate among this group has increased by ten percentage points compared to the pandemic year 2020. While the findings indicate progress, the study also…

  • European Elections to Take Place on June 9, 2024 in Germany

    The German Federal Government has officially announced that the country’s next election to the European Parliament will take place on Sunday, June 9, 2024. The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting on July 26, 2023. With this, Germany joins the rest of the European Union in preparing for the crucial electoral event. The upcoming…

  • Germany Activates Potentials of Lightweight Construction to Boost Competitiveness and Sustainability

    The German government has approved a Lightweight Construction Strategy aimed at reducing resource consumption, lowering CO2 emissions, and enhancing Germany’s competitiveness. Lightweight construction: A versatile solution for a sustainable future The Lightweight Construction Strategy focuses on the core idea of saving weight, materials, and energy while ensuring or even improving the functionality and performance of…

  • Solar Power and Harvesting Vegetables: A Winning Combination in Germany

    In a groundbreaking initiative that promises to revolutionize the agricultural and energy sectors, German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck, expressed confidence in the widespread adoption of Agri-Photovoltaics (Agri-PV) across the nation. During his visit to an Agri-PV project in Rathenow, Brandenburg, Minister Habeck witnessed the successful integration of vegetable and fruit…

  • More Freedom for Revolutionary Innovations in Germany

    The “Agency for Disruptive Innovations” (SPRIND), founded by the German government in 2019, aims to drive forward groundbreaking ideas that have the potential to fundamentally transform existing markets. To achieve this goal, the agency has been seeking novel solutions capable of advancing products, technologies, and business models, thereby creating new markets, especially for the German…

  • More Gender Equality in the Bundeswehr

    Female soldiers are still underrepresented in the German Armed Forces, but this is about to change. The cabinet has approved measures to strengthen gender equality within the Bundeswehr, increase the proportion of female soldiers, and alleviate the military personnel’s burden of care responsibilities. The German Federal Cabinet has passed a comprehensive package of measures aimed…

  • Germany Strengthens Fight Against Money Laundering – FIU to Combat Financial Crime More Effectively

    In an effort to strengthen the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, the German government has introduced legislative measures to enhance the operations of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), also known as the Zentralstelle für Finanztransaktionsuntersuchungen. The FIU serves as the central reporting agency for financial transactions, receiving, analyzing, and forwarding suspicious activity reports…

  • Summer Construction Woes: Germany’s Infrastructure Upgrades Pose Challenges for Travelers

    Whether on the road or on the rails – construction is everywhere. For travelers, it can be frustrating as it often leads to traffic jams, road closures, and other traffic disruptions. Many wonder: Why does it have to happen right now? Is there even any work being done? Here are answers to these and other…

  • Sustainable Travel Initiatives Thrive in Germany, Promoting Adventurous and Eco-Friendly Vacations

    In a bid to make vacations unique, exciting, and environmentally conscious, sustainable travel has gained immense popularity among travelers. Activities such as hiking and cycling have become increasingly sought-after options, reflecting the growing concern for climate protection, a central focus of the German government. However, sustainable travel can go beyond carbon neutrality and make a…

  • Closing the Last Dead Zones: How Germany Plans to Achieve Comprehensive Mobile Coverage

    Germany is taking significant strides towards achieving a nationwide and comprehensive mobile phone network as the federal government establishes the Mobile Infrastructure Company (MIG). The primary objective of MIG is to close existing mobile phone dead zones and ensure that the latest mobile phone standard, 5G, is available in all areas where people live, work,…

  • Germany’s Reliance on Spanish Fruit and Vegetable Imports in 2022

    Germany’s import of fruits and vegetables from Spain reached a significant 26% of the total in 2022, according to data released by the Statistical Office (Destatis). The country imported around 1.6 million tonnes of fruit and 1.3 million tonnes of vegetables from Spain last year, making it the top supplier. Spain’s reputation as the “vegetable…

  • Economic Transformation and Climate Neutrality: Conference Held at the Federal Chancellery in Germany

    On the 19th of June 2023, Wolfgang Schmidt, the Chief of the Federal Chancellery, invited economists and experts to the Federal Chancellery for a conference titled “Ökonomie der Zeitenwende” (Economics of the Turning Point). During this full-day event, participants engaged in eight distinct panels to discuss the economic and financial implications of the ongoing transformation…

  • EU-CELAC Summit: Germany’s Chancellor Scholz Emphasizes Permanent Collaboration

    The third EU-CELAC Summit took place in Brussels, with EU Heads of State and Government meeting with leaders from 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries. Chancellor Scholz hailed the summit as a successful event. The meeting saw the leaders of the European Union and CELAC countries come together to discuss various issues and reinvigorate a…

  • Nationale Energy Security Ensured: Germany Passes Amended LNG Acceleration Act

    BERLIN – In a bid to secure Germany’s energy independence from Russian gas imports, the government has been working tirelessly to diversify its energy sources. The construction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals has been identified as a short-term solution to tap into alternative gas supplies. To facilitate this process, the German parliament has approved…

  • Summary: Government Press Conference on July 17, 2023

    Topics: Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Change’s trip to India, Migration agreement between the EU and Tunisia, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Violent incidents and security situation in swimming pools, Polish law on the expansion of the Oder River, Immediate measures due to the Climate Protection Act, Development of gas prices, NATO’s Two Percent Target.…

  • Germany: Joint Press Conference of Chancellor Scholz and Finnish Prime Minister Orpo in Berlin on July 14, 2023

    Germany and Finland Strengthen Cooperation: Chancellor Scholz and Prime Minister Orpo held a joint press conference in Berlin, reaffirming the strong partnership between the two countries. They discussed supporting Ukraine in the aftermath of the Russian invasion and emphasized the importance of EU preparations for the accession of other states like the Western Balkans, Moldova,…

  • Germany Faces Inflation Challenges: An Interview with Joachim Nagel

    In an interview with Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND), Joachim Nagel, President of the Bundesbank, discussed the current inflationary environment and its implications for the German economy. Nagel addressed concerns over rising interest rates, the role of banks, and the potential impact on the financial system. Nagel acknowledged the delay in higher interest rates being passed on…

  • Bundesbank Allocates Funds in FX Liquidity Providing Operation

    The German Bundesbank has announced the allocation of funds in an operation designed to provide liquidity in foreign currency exchange markets. The operation, known as FX Liquidity Providing, aims to ensure sufficient availability of funds in the market to facilitate smooth currency transactions. In this particular operation, a tender process was conducted, and interested parties…