• UK Household Spending Declines in Q3 2023 Amid Economic Shifts

    In the latest release from the UK National Accounts, household spending experienced a negative growth of 0.5% in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2023, compared with the previous quarter. While there was a 0.7% increase in spending compared to the same period in 2022, it marked a 1.6% decrease when contrasted with pre-pandemic levels in…

  • Netherlands: Non-Financial Companies Experience Lower Profits in 3rd Quarter 2023

    In the third quarter of 2023, the pre-tax gross profit of non-financial companies amounted to €91.2 billion, around €0.4 billion less than in the same period of 2022. The decline is primarily attributed to lower profits from foreign subsidiaries in Q3 2023 compared to a year earlier, as reported by CBS based on new (preliminary)…

  • Germany: SMTP Smuggling Exploits Email Systems for Social Engineering

    On December 18, the cybersecurity firm SEC Consult revealed details about a new attack technique involving “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Smuggling.” In SMTP Smuggling, attackers leverage variations in how different SMTP implementations interpret the end-of-message marking in an email. This allows them to send emails that, when processed by a vulnerable email system, get…

  • Vulnerability in SolarWinds Access Rights Manager Exposes Data Confidentiality Risk

    A recently discovered vulnerability in SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) could potentially compromise data confidentiality, warns the French Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-FR). The flaw affects ARM versions predating 2023.2.2. Exploiting this vulnerability might enable unauthorized access, posing a risk to sensitive information. To address this issue, users are advised to refer to SolarWinds’ security…

  • UK Household Spending Sees Negative Growth in Q3 2023

    According to the latest data released on December 22, 2023, by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, household spending in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2023 experienced a negative growth of 0.5% when adjusted for inflation compared to Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023. However, there was a 0.7% increase in spending compared to the…

  • Canadian Cyber Security Urges Immediate Action on Microsoft Edge Vulnerability

    In an advisory issued on December 22, 2023, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security highlighted a critical security vulnerability in Microsoft Edge Stable Channel versions prior to 120.0.2210.91, identified as CVE-2023-7024. Microsoft released a security update on December 21, 2023, to address the issue and has received reports of active exploitation. Users and administrators are…

  • Consumer and Business Confidence Surge in Italy for December 2023

    Italy, December 2023: In a press release, it’s estimated that both consumer confidence (index rising from 103.6 to 106.7) and the composite indicator of business confidence (increasing from 103.5 to 107.2) will experience growth this month. Consumers exhibit a widespread improvement in opinions, particularly regarding the general economic situation and the future outlook. Notably, all…

  • Italian Industrial and Construction Producer Prices – November 2023

    In November 2023, Italy witnessed a 0.9% monthly decrease and a 12.6% annual drop in industrial producer prices, intensifying from October. On the domestic front, prices fell by 1.2% monthly and 16.3% annually. Excluding energy, prices exhibited a 0.2% monthly and 1.6% annual decline. Internationally, prices dipped by 0.2% monthly and 1.2% annually. In the…

  • Canada’s Employment Landscape from June to October 2023

    From June to October 2023, Canada’s employment landscape showcased dynamic shifts: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410020101

  • Real-Time Indicators Reflect Shifts in UK Economy (Data as of December 21, 2023)

    The latest experimental data on the UK economy and society, employing rapid response surveys and novel data sources, reveals dynamic trends in economic activity and social dynamics. Key Insights: https://www.ons.gov.uk/redir/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpbmRleCI6MiwicGFnZVNpemUiOjEwLCJwYWdlIjoxLCJ1cmkiOiIvcmVsZWFzZXMvZWNvbm9taWNhY3Rpdml0eWFuZHNvY2lhbGNoYW5nZWludGhldWtyZWFsdGltZWluZGljYXRvcnMyMWRlY2VtYmVyMjAyMyIsImxpc3RUeXBlIjoicmVsZWFzZWNhbGVuZGFyIn0.0P4-RqIQK4EpD_tZWRiPIOQYBujJ5_sDV_hL3UK5a_Y

  • France’s Commerce Sales Trends Show Varied Performances Across Sectors (2020-2022)

    The latest data from France’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) reveals the annual trends in commerce sales from 2020 to 2022, showcasing diverse performances across sectors. Key Highlights: Yearly Comparisons: These trends provide valuable insights into the resilience and fluctuations within France’s commerce landscape over the past three years. https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2016224

  • Germany: Statistical Review of 2023

    In its 75th anniversary year, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reflects on the year through over 600 press releases, encapsulating the “world in numbers.” Here’s a statistical overview of key events: January: Population Reaches Record High February: Rising Construction Costs and Stalled Housing March: German Economy Stagnates April: Shutdown of Last German Nuclear Power Plants…

  • Sweden’s Hydropower Dominates Electricity Production in November 2023

    Sweden’s electricity landscape for November 2023 reveals a noteworthy contribution from hydropower, constituting 89.0% of the total electricity production. Here’s a summary of key figures: Despite a slight dip in total production, hydropower remains a dominant force. Net electricity consumption rose by 17.6%, fueled by increased demand in oil and gas extraction, power-intensive industries, and…

  • Italy: Stability in Italian Housing Prices Amidst Reduced Sales Volumes

    According to preliminary estimates for the third quarter of 2023, the Housing Price Index (IPAB) for homes purchased by families for residential or investment purposes remained stable compared to the previous quarter. It showed an increase of 1.8% compared to the same period in 2022, marking a notable acceleration from the 0.6% growth in the…

  • Overseas Travel and Tourism: December 2022 – Provisional Results

    In December 2022, visits to the UK by overseas residents declined to 3.0 million, marking a 14% drop compared to December 2019. However, spending by these visitors rose from £2.1 billion to £2.4 billion. Similarly, UK residents’ visits abroad fell to 4.0 million, 21% lower than December 2019, while spending overseas remained steady at £3.4…

  • Spain: Service Sector Activity Indicators – IASS. October 2023

    The latest indicators for the service sector’s activity in October 2023, as reported by the Institute of National Statistics (IASS), reveal insights into the performance of the Market Services Sector in Spain. Key Figures – October 2023: Analysis: These indicators portray a service sector that, despite some monthly fluctuations, maintains overall stability and registers positive…

  • Retail and Business Areas in Sweden: A Statistical Overview of 2020

    In 2020, Sweden boasted 585 distinct retail areas, providing employment to over 168,000 individuals in the retail sector. Simultaneously, the country hosted more than 3,700 business areas, collectively housing over 82,000 establishments and engaging almost 2 million workers. Key Highlights: https://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/statistik-efter-amne/miljo/markanvandning/verksamhetsomraden-och-handelsomraden/pong/statistiknyhet/verksamhetsomraden-2020/

  • Energy Consumption Holds Steady in Finland for January-September 2023

    According to preliminary data from Statistics Finland, the total energy consumption remained stable at 956 petajoules (PJ) from January to June, identical to the previous year. The commencement of regular electricity production at Olkiluoto 3 in April contributed to the growth in nuclear power production. Furthermore, the significant increase in liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports…

  • EU Commits Over €65 Million to Boost Innovative Clean Tech Projects

    The European Commission has earmarked more than €65 million in project support for 17 pioneering small-scale clean tech projects under the EU Innovation Fund. These funds aim to propel breakthrough technologies into the market, focusing on energy-intensive industries, renewable energy, and energy storage. The projects span diverse sectors, emphasizing the manufacturing of components for renewable…

  • Property Maintenance Costs Rose by 3.6% in Finland

    The latest quarterly report from Statistics Finland reveals a 3.6% year-on-year increase in property maintenance costs during the third quarter of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. Among the components of property maintenance expenses, waste management costs experienced the highest growth, rising by 9.9%. Water and wastewater costs increased by 4.6%, repairs by…