Category: UK

  • Business Insights and Impact on the UK Economy: 1 December 2023

    1. Main Points: 2. Headline Figures: 3. Business Insights and Conditions Survey Data:

  • Violence Against Women and Girls: Research Update – November 2023

    The latest research update on violence against women and girls (VAWG) provides valuable insights into ongoing and upcoming initiatives addressing this critical issue. 1. Overview of VAWG Research: 2. Latest Research Highlights:

  • Construction Statistics, Great Britain: 2022

    The latest construction statistics for Great Britain in 2022 reveal significant developments in the industry: These statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the construction industry’s performance, reflecting growth in output, new orders, and employment, alongside challenges such as increased insolvencies. The data serves as a valuable resource for assessing the economic health and trends within…

  • UK International Migration Research Progress Update – November 2023

    The UK International Migration Research has released its latest update on international migration methods and research, with a focus on improvements to statistical estimation methods and the impact of revisions to provisional estimates. 1. Overview of Migration Statistics Transformation: The update highlights ongoing efforts to develop admin-based migration estimates (ABMEs) and enhance the granularity of…

  • NCSC Issues Warning on Enduring Cyber Threats to UK’s Critical Infrastructure

    The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a division of GCHQ, has raised alarms in its seventh Annual Review about an enduring and significant cyber threat to the critical infrastructure of the United Kingdom. Released today, the report emphasizes the need for urgent action to boost cyber resilience, especially in sectors crucial for the country’s daily…

  • Census 2021 Unveils Interactive Origin-Destination Data Explorer for Population Flows

    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has introduced a dynamic tool enabling users to explore animated flows of people based on Census 2021 origin-destination data. Released on November 21, 2023, this interactive guide offers a comprehensive look at migration and commuting patterns, providing insights into population movement within the UK. Origin-destination data, also known as…

  • Low and High Pay in the UK: 2023

    The Office for National Statistics has released its latest report on low and high pay in the UK, presenting insights into hourly earnings, National Minimum Wage (NMW), and National Living Wage (NLW). Here are the key findings: This comprehensive report provides a detailed analysis of the distribution of hourly earnings, shedding light on the changes…

  • Changes in Private Rental Sector Behavior in England and Wales: Feb 2022 to Sep 2023

    The Office for National Statistics has released an experimental longitudinal analysis detailing recent changes in the private rental sector in England and Wales. Here are the key findings: This experimental analysis provides a detailed overview of the changes in the private rental sector, offering insights into regional and property-type variations. Users are encouraged to engage…

  • Foreign Direct Investment Flow in the UK: Insights for 2021

    In 2021, the dynamics of foreign direct investment (FDI) into the UK revealed interesting patterns, with London standing out as a key recipient. According to experimental statistics released by the Office for National Statistics, 93.8% of FDI into London came directly from foreign entities. In contrast, more than 65% of FDI into Scotland, Wales, and…

  • Surge in Business Creations and Decrease in Closures in the UK: July to September 2023

    The latest experimental statistics on business demography for the third quarter of 2023 reveal a notable increase in business creations and a decrease in closures in the United Kingdom. Key Points: These figures provide an early indicator of the economic landscape, emphasizing the resilience and dynamism of the UK business environment. The data will be…

  • Decline in the Number of Children in Long-Term Workless Households in the UK in 2022

    The latest release of UK National Statistics reveals a decrease in the number of children living in households where all adults have not worked for at least 12 months. Key Highlights: Next Release: The next set of data on this topic is scheduled for release on October 30, 2024.

  • UK Productivity Shows Resilience Amidst Economic Changes

    Conclusion: The UK’s productivity landscape displays resilience, with positive trends in various productivity indicators. While challenges persist, the economy shows adaptability to changing circumstances. Ongoing monitoring and policy adjustments will be crucial for sustaining and enhancing productivity levels.

  • Public Concerns in Great Britain: October 4-15, 2023

    In the latest survey, key concerns for adults in Great Britain remain consistent. The top issues include the cost of living (90%), the NHS (86%), the economy (72%), climate change and the environment (62%), and housing (57%). Notably, 52% of adults observed an increase in their cost of living compared to the previous month, indicating…

  • UK House Price Index: August 2023

    Average UK house prices show a modest increase of 0.2% in the 12 months to August 2023, a decline from the revised estimate of 0.7% in July 2023. The average UK house price stands at £291,000, showing little change from a year ago but £9,000 above the recent low in March 2023. House prices in…

  • UK: Public Service Productivity Declines in Q2 2023

    The latest experimental estimates for UK total public service productivity, covering the period of April to June 2023, indicate a decline of 0.6% compared to the previous quarter. This follows a modest increase of 0.3% in the first quarter of 2023. Additionally, there is a notable 1.1% decrease in public service productivity for Q2 2023…

  • Real-Time Indicators: Economic Activity and Social Change in the UK – October 12, 2023

    Latest Indicators at a Glance Consumer Behavior UK Spending on Debit and Credit Cards Direct Debit Transactions Automotive Fuel Spending National Retail Footfall

  • Analysis of Labour Costs and Profits Impacting UK Inflation: 2010-2023

    A recent report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) delves into the intricate relationship between labour costs, profits, and domestic inflation in the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2023. Key Findings: Background and Context:

  • United Kingdom: Business Investment Growth Revised Up in Q2 2023

    The latest release from the UK’s Office for National Statistics reveals revised results for business investment in the second quarter of 2023. The data, considered an accredited National Statistic, indicates a 4.1% increase in business investment, surpassing the provisional estimate of 3.4% growth. Key Points: This revised data showcases a positive trend in business investment,…

  • UK Household Spending Trends: April to June 2023

    In the latest release from the UK’s National Statistics, covering the period from April to June 2023, household spending trends reveal interesting dynamics in the nation’s economic landscape. Here are the key points: 1. Quarter 2, 2023 Growth: 2. Sectoral Contributions: 3. Post-COVID Comparison: 4. Data on Consumer Trends: 5. Measuring the Data: 6. Impact…

  • UK Business Investment Shows Robust Growth in Q2 2023

    The latest data from the UK Office for National Statistics reveals a positive trajectory for business investment in the second quarter of 2023. The revised results indicate a growth of 4.1%, surpassing the initial estimate of 3.4%. Year-on-year, business investment has expanded by an impressive 9.2%. Key Highlights: Outlook: The robust growth in business investment…