Category: denmark

  • Denmark’s Total Exports Increase by 1.4% in May 2023

    Denmark’s total exports in May 2023 increased by 1.4% compared to April. Goods exports rose by 4.6%, while service exports declined by 3.2%. The annual growth rate for exports decreased to 16.7%. The growth in exports was driven by increased trade with the United States and Germany, while exports to China and the United Kingdom…

  • End of QE in Eurozone May Increase Volatility in Danish Real Estate Market

    In a recent analysis, experts have highlighted the potential consequences of the cessation of Quantitative Easing (QE) and the initiation of Quantitative Tightening (QT) on the bond markets in the Eurozone. They argue that this change could lead to increased volatility, which could, in turn, have a ripple effect on the volatility and liquidity of…

  • Danish Central Bank Raises Interest Rates in Response to High and Persistent Inflation

    Inflation Decreases, but Expected to Remain High for an Extended Period In the 15th June 2023 meeting, the Governing Council decided to raise the European Central Bank’s (ECB) three official rates by 25 basis points in order to ensure that inflation returns to the 2 percent target in the medium term. This rate hike reflects…

  • Alcohol-Free Beer Consumption Soars in Denmark, Setting New Spending Records

    Consumption of alcohol-free beer has surged in Denmark over the past decade, with households spending more money than ever on these beverages. At the same time, the price increase for alcohol-free beer has been slower compared to regular beers like pilsners. According to a recent consumer survey conducted by Statistics Denmark, from 2011 to 2021,…

  • More Than Six Out of Ten Families Own a Car in Denmark

    The number of families with access to one or more cars – personal, leased, commercial, or company vehicles – has increased by a total of 251,200 since 2013. As of today, 62.0% of families in Denmark own a car, compared to 59.2% in 2013 and 62.6% just a year ago. While the number of families…

  • Households in Denmark saving more

    In the first quarter of 2023, Danish households saved 9.9 percent of their disposable income when seasonally adjusted. This represents an increase compared to the 6.6 percent savings rate in the fourth quarter of 2022. The high savings rate in the first quarter is the second-highest since the first quarter of 1999, surpassed only by…

  • Decline in Apartment Prices in Denmark During the First Quarter

    The latest housing market data for the first quarter of 2023 in Denmark shows a notable change in property prices. While the prices of single-family houses experienced a marginal increase of 0.1 percent on a nationwide average from the fourth quarter of 2022 to the first quarter of 2023, the prices of owner-occupied apartments saw…

  • Denmark and Allied Nations Conduct Joint Naval Exercises in the Baltic Sea

    Copenhagen, Denmark – Denmark, along with 18 other NATO countries and partner nation Sweden, recently concluded a series of extensive naval exercises in the Baltic Sea. The annual exercise known as BALTOPS aimed to enhance maritime capabilities and demonstrate the alliance’s commitment to regional security. The month-long exercise, which commenced in early June, saw the…

  • Denmark’s Cattle Slaughterings and Production Show Steady Numbers

    Copenhagen, Denmark – The latest data on cattle slaughterings and production in Denmark reveals stable figures for the first four months of 2023. These numbers shed light on the country’s livestock industry and its contribution to the agricultural sector. According to the data, the total slaughterings and export of live animals in thousand units remained…

  • Denmark Sees Decrease in Alcohol and Tobacco Sales in 2022

    Copenhagen, Denmark – Recent data on the sales of alcohol and tobacco subject to excise duties reveals a decline in consumption among the Danish population in 2022. The figures provide insights into the changing habits and preferences of Danish citizens. According to the data, the average sales of pure alcohol per person decreased from 8.4…


    Denmarks Nationalbank’s latest analysis reveals that higher interest rates and consumer prices are putting pressure on household customers and having ripple effects on businesses. Meanwhile, banks are experiencing increased net interest income due to the interest rate developments. The report suggests that the higher earnings could help mitigate the impact of rising impairment charges resulting…


    Denmarks Nationalbank’s latest analysis reveals concerning trends for homeowners in Denmark. Due to inflation and rising interest rates, an additional 3.4 percent of homeowners are projected to face insufficient monthly budgets to support their current loans from Danish credit institutions. The study also highlights that 3 out of 4 affected households would encounter significant financial…

  • Foreign Bank Problems Underscore Need for Solid Buffers in Denmark

    The largest banks in Denmark continue to maintain a strong liquidity position, but the challenges faced by specific foreign banks have highlighted the importance of sound risk management. “Uncertainty surrounding a single bank can quickly spread throughout the entire financial sector and across national borders. This underscores the significance of banks prioritizing sound risk management…

  • Foreign Exchange and Liquidity Update from Denmark: May 2023

    Danmarks Nationalbank has released its monthly report on foreign exchange reserves, liquidity, and balance sheet for May 2023. The report highlights the following key points: Foreign-Exchange Reserve: Liquidity Development: Danmarks Nationalbank’s Interest Rates: Balance Sheet of Danmarks Nationalbank: For further information, please contact press advisor Ole Mikkelsen at +45 3363 6027. Please note that all…

  • Henrik Dam Kristensen Becomes the New Chairman of Interforce

    Yesterday, Defense Chief General Flemming Lentfer attended the transition of leadership in Interforce, where he welcomed Henrik Dam Kristensen as the new chairman. Henrik Dam Kristensen, a former member of the Danish Parliament for the Social Democrats, brings a wealth of experience, having served in five ministerial positions. Additionally, he held the position of Speaker…

  • Search and Rescue Training Conducted in Frederikshavn

    Over the past two days, the Danish search and rescue teams have been actively engaged in honing their life-saving skills during the annual SAREX 2023 exercise conducted by the Navy. The Danish maritime search and rescue teams are always on standby, ready to respond and locate individuals in distress at sea, 24/7 throughout the year.…

  • Denmark Conducts Naval Exercise in the Baltic Sea with Allies – BALTOPS 2023

    Denmark, along with 19 other countries, is set to participate in the major exercise BALTOPS in the Baltic Sea over the next couple of weeks. With a contingent of 6,000 personnel, 50 ships, and approximately 60 aircraft, Denmark aims to enhance cooperation with NATO member states and partner nations. The exercise, an annual event of…

  • Unemployment Rates for Graduates from Cultural Education Institutions in Denmark

    The latest data on unemployment rates among graduates from cultural education institutions in Denmark provides valuable insights into the job market for these individuals. The statistics, covering the years 2021 and 2022, highlight the different rates of unemployment based on graduation year, type of unemployment, education, education institution, and time. Overall, the net unemployment rate…

  • Denmark’s Average Household Shows Steady Sports Consumption

    A recent survey reveals that the average household in Denmark has maintained a consistent level of sports consumption over the years, reflecting the nation’s enthusiasm for athletic activities. The data from 2017 to 2021 sheds light on the household consumption of sports-related products and services, providing valuable insights into consumer behavior. According to the survey,…

  • Denmark’s Sports Industry Shows Resilience Despite Challenging Times

    The sports industry in Denmark has demonstrated resilience in the face of challenging circumstances, with key economic figures reflecting its stability and potential for growth, according to the latest available data. The statistics from 2019 to 2021 provide insights into the industry’s turnover, export and import values, wage and salary costs, as well as employment…